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Office Building

We are Pioneera

Our mission is simple - to make innovation and scientific rigour accessible to as wide a market as possible for clients and for our own commercial operations

Examining Blood Sample

Pioneera is our parent brand and home to our flagship TeamIN1 Research-as-a-Service proposition. Through this brand we  make science accessible for SME's and other organisations who want to do new things without the overheads.

Lab Worker
Examining Blood Sample
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FloraFortify is our operational scientific solution for plant health. Through it we  provide cutting-edge products and services that promote the health and diversity of plants and the preservation of environments they thrive in.

Lab Worker
Examining Blood Sample
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Botanique will be our consumer facing brand, specialising in bringing scientifically sound botanics and infusions, across drink, supplements and cosmetics to customers via direct eCommerce or 3rd party retail.

Lab Worker
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